发布:smiling 来源: PHP粉丝网 添加日期:2014-10-23 14:03:32 浏览: 评论:0
- <?php
- defined('IN_PHPCMS') or exit('No permission resources.');
- pc_base::load_app_func('global', 'special');//加载global.func.php文件
- class index {
- private $db;
- function __construct() {
- $this->db = pc_base::load_model('special_model');//table_name:special
- }
- /**
- * 专题列表
- */
- public function special() {
- //站点id
- $siteid = $_GET['siteid'] ? intval($_GET['siteid']) : (get_siteid() ? get_siteid() : 1);
- //seo信息
- $SEO = seo($siteid);
- //加载专题列表页面
- include template('special', 'special_list');
- }
- /**
- * 专题首页
- */
- public function init() {
- //专题id
- $specialid = $_GET['id'] ? $_GET['id'] : ($_GET['specialid'] ? $_GET['specialid'] : 0);
- if (!$specialid) showmessage(L('illegal_action'));
- //相当于:select * from gt_special where id='$specialid' and disabled=0
- $info = $this->db->get_one(array('id'=>$specialid, 'disabled'=>0));
- if(!$info) showmessage(L('special_not_exist'), 'back');
- //将当前专题id所对应的字段作为变量导入到当前的符号表
- extract($info);
- $css = get_css(unserialize($css));
- if(!$ispage) {//字段变量:如果不分页的话
- $type_db = pc_base::load_model('type_model');//类别表
- //查询当前专题下所有的类别
- $types = $type_db->select(array('module'=>'special', 'parentid'=>$specialid), '*', '', '`listorder` ASC, `typeid` ASC', '', 'listorder');
- }
- if ($pics) {//字段变量:专题导入的图片报道信息,如:1|65|周克华被警方击毙
- $pic_data = get_pic_content($pics);
- unset($pics);
- }
- if ($voteid) {//字段变量:投票信息,如:vote|1|你最爱吃的饭?
- $vote_info = explode('|', $voteid);
- $voteid = $vote_info[1];//投票id
- }
- $siteid = $_GET['siteid'] ? $_GET['siteid'] : get_siteid();//站点id
- $SEO = seo($siteid, '', $title, $description);//seo信息
- //评论表commentid字段的组成
- $commentid = id_encode('special', $id, $siteid);//组成生成id号:urlencode($modules.'-'.$contentid.'-'.$siteid);
- $template = $info['index_template'] ? $info['index_template'] : 'index';//模板
- define('STYLE',$info['style']);
- include template('special', $template);
- }
- /**
- * 专题分类
- */
- public function type() {
- $typeid = intval($_GET['typeid']);//分类id
- $specialid = intval($_GET['specialid']);//专题id
- if (!$specialid || !$typeid) showmessage(L('illegal_action'));
- //相当于:select * from gt_special where id='$special' and disabled=0 获取当前专题信息
- $info = $this->db->get_one(array('id'=>$specialid, 'disabled'=>0));
- if(!$info) showmessage(L('special_not_exist'), 'back');
- $page = max(intval($_GET['page']), 1);
- //当前专题信息
- extract($info);
- $css = get_css(unserialize($css));
- if(!$typeid) showmessage(L('illegal_action'));
- $type_db = pc_base::load_model('type_model');//类别表
- //相当于:select * from gt_type where typeid='$typeid'
- $info = $type_db->get_one(array('typeid'=>$_GET['typeid']));
- $SEO = seo($siteid, '', $info['typename'], '');//类别名称
- $template = $list_template ? $list_template : 'list';//类别对应的模板
- include template('special', $template);
- }
- /**
- * 专题展示
- */
- public function show() {
- $id = intval($_GET['id']);//专题文章id
- if(!$id) showmessage(L('content_not_exist'),'blank');
- $page = max(intval($_GET['page']), 1);
- $c_db = pc_base::load_model('special_content_model');//专题文章主表
- $c_data_db = pc_base::load_model('special_c_data_model');//专题文章附表
- $rs = $c_db->get_one(array('id'=>$_GET['id']));//获取当前专题文章的主表内容
- if(!$rs) showmessage(L('content_checking'),'blank');
- //将当前专题文章主表中的字段转化为变量
- extract($rs);
- //是否用附表数据
- if ($isdata) {
- $arr_content = $c_data_db->get_one(array('id'=>$_GET['id']));//附表数据
- if (is_array($arr_content)) extract($arr_content);//将当前专题文章附表中的字段转化为变量
- }
- $siteid = get_siteid();//站点id
- if ($paginationtype) { //文章使用分页时:0-不分页 1-自动分页 2-手动分页
- if($paginationtype==1) {
- if (strpos($content, '[/page]')!==false) {
- $content = preg_replace("|\[page\](.*)\[/page\]|U", '', $content);
- }
- if (strpos($content, '[page]')!==false) {
- $content = str_replace('[page]', '', $content);
- }
- $contentpage = pc_base::load_app_class('contentpage', 'content'); //调用自动分页类
- $content = $contentpage->get_data($content, $maxcharperpage); //自动分页,自动添加上[page]
- }
- } else {//文章不使用分页的情况
- if (strpos($content, '[/page]')!==false) {
- $content = preg_replace("|\[page\](.*)\[/page\]|U", '', $content);
- }
- if (strpos($content, '[page]')!==false) {
- $content = str_replace('[page]', '', $content);
- }
- }
- $template = $show_template ? $show_template : 'show'; //调用模板
- $CONTENT_POS = strpos($content, '[page]');
- if ($CONTENT_POS !== false) {
- $contents = array_filter(explode('[page]', $content));
- $pagenumber = count($contents);
- $END_POS = strpos($content, '[/page]');
- if ($END_POS!==false && ($CONTENT_POS<7)) {
- $pagenumber--;
- }
- for ($i=1; $i<=$pagenumber; $i++) {
- $pageurls[$i] = content_url($_GET['id'], $i, $inputtime, 'php');
- }
- if ($END_POS !== false) {
- if($CONTENT_POS>7) {
- $content = '[page]'.$title.'[/page]'.$content;
- }
- if (preg_match_all("|\[page\](.*)\[/page\]|U", $content, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
- foreach ($m[1] as $k=>$v) {
- $p = $k+1;
- $titles[$p]['title'] = strip_tags($v);
- $titles[$p]['url'] = $pageurls[$p][1];
- }
- }
- }
- //判断[page]出现的位置是否在第一位
- if($CONTENT_POS<7) {
- $content = $contents[$page];
- } else {
- if ($page==1 && !emptyempty($titles)) {
- $content = $title.'[/page]'.$contents[$page-1];
- } else {
- $content = $contents[$page-1];
- }
- }
- if($titles) {
- list($title, $content) = explode('[/page]', $content);
- $content = trim($content);
- if(strpos($content,'</p>')===0) {
- $content = '<p>'.$content;
- }
- if(stripos($content,'<p>')===0) {
- $content = $content.'</p>';
- }
- }
- pc_base::load_app_func('util', 'content');
- $title_pages = content_pages($pagenumber,$page, $pageurls);//分页代码
- }
- //当前专题的标题和url
- $_special = $this->db->get_one(array('id'=>$specialid), '`title`, `url`');
- pc_base::load_sys_class('format', '', 0);
- $inputtime = format::date($inputtime);//发布时间
- $SEO = seo($siteid, '', $title);
- $template = $show_template ? $show_template : 'show';
- $style = $style ? $style : 'default';
- include template('special', $template, $style);
- }
- public function comment_show() {
- $commentid = isset($_GET['commentid']) ? $_GET['commentid'] : 0;
- $url = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : HTTP_REFERER;
- $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0;
- $userid = param::get_cookie('_userid');
- include template('special', 'comment_show');
- }
- public function comment() {
- if (!$_GET['id']) return '0';
- $siteid = $_GET['siteid'] ? $_GET['siteid'] : get_siteid();
- $id = intval($_GET['id']);
- $commentid = id_encode('special', $id, $siteid);
- $username = param::get_cookie('_username');
- $userid = param::get_cookie('_userid');
- if (!$userid) {
- showmessage(L('login_website'), APP_PATH.'index.php?m=member&c=index'); //开源软件:phpfensi.com
- }
- $date = date('m-d H:i', SYS_TIME);
- if ($_POST['dosubmit']) {
- $r = $this->db->get_one(array('id'=>$_POST['id']), '`title`, `url`');
- $comment = pc_base::load_app_class('comment', 'comment');
- if ($comment->add($commentid, $siteid, array('userid'=>$userid, 'username'=>$username, 'content'=>$_POST['content']), '', $r['title'], $r['url'])) {
- exit($username.'|'.SYS_TIME.'|'.$_POST['content']);
- } else {
- exit(0);
- }
- } else {
- pc_base::load_sys_class('form');
- include template('special', 'comment');
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
Tags: phpcms前端控制器 phpcms专题模块
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