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解决mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insec

添加日期:2015-04-20 14:49:28 发布:smiling 
解决mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4 1+ using the old insecure authentication错误 mysqlnd比mysql说使用起来更方便了,但小编在使用时碰到mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4 ...


添加日期:2015-04-17 15:38:19 发布:smiling 
mysqlnd_ms插件主要实现了mysql的连接保持和切换,负载均衡和读写分离等,也就是说, 这个扩展会去分别PHP发给MySQL的query,如果是读的query,就会把query发送给从库(配置中指明),并且支持负载均衡; ...

mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication

添加日期:2014-10-13 13:21:47 发布:smiling 
文章介绍了关于mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4 1+ using the old insecure authentication方法,有需要了解的同学可参考一下 Warning:mysql_connect()[function mysql-connect]:Prema ...