Mac OS 10.10安装QT后Xcode not set up properly
发布:smiling 来源: PHP粉丝网 添加日期:2015-04-22 22:48:09 浏览: 评论:0
下面来看看Mac OS 10.10安装QT后Xcode not set up properly问题的解决办法,如果各位有朋友此类问题不防和小编来看看,在Mac OS10.10上安装Qt5,因为仅仅安装了Xcode6-Beta,因此,加载项目的时候提示错误.
Xcode not set up properly. You may need to confirm the license agreement...
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
- Usage:xcode-select [options]
- Print or change the path to the active developer directory. This directory
- controls which tools are used for the Xcode command line tools (for example,
- xcodebuild) as well as the BSD development commands (such as cc and make). //
- Options:
- -h, --help print this help message and exit
- -p, --print-path print the path of the active developer directory
- -s <path>, --switch <path> set the path for the active developer directory
- --install open a dialog for installation of the command line developer tools
- -v, --version print the xcode-select version
- -r, --reset reset to the default command line tools path
Tags: Mac OS 10 10 Xcode not
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