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发布:smiling 来源: PHP粉丝网  添加日期:2014-09-25 14:48:10 浏览: 评论:0 



user:Returns the current MySQL username and hostname as a string in the utf8 character set.//phpfensi.com

system_user:SYSTEM_USER() is a synonym for USER().

session_user:SESSION_USER() is a synonym for USER().


Returns the username and hostname combination for the MySQL account that the server used to authenticate the current client. This account determines your access privileges. As of MySQL 5.0.10, within a stored routine that is defined with the SQL SECURITY DEFINER characteristic,CURRENT_USER() returns the creator of the routine. The return value is

a string in the utf8 character set.

The value of CURRENT_USER() can differ from the value of USER().

其实想翻一下再放出来的,怎奈自己那见不人的英语水平,就不翻译了,总的来说,user()、system_user()、session_user(),这三是同一个东西(synonym ),然后current_user()跟前三个也很像,不过他偶尔又会有点区别.

Tags: mysql用户函数 mysql函数区别
