发布:smiling 来源: PHP粉丝网 添加日期:2014-01-06 10:33:59 浏览: 评论:0
- function UPCAbarcode($code)
- {
- $lw = 2; $hi = 100;
- $Lencode = array('0001101','0011001','0010011','0111101','0100011',
- '0110001','0101111','0111011','0110111','0001011');
- $Rencode = array('1110010','1100110','1101100','1000010','1011100',
- '1001110','1010000','1000100','1001000','1110100');
- $ends = '101'; $center = '01010';
- /* UPC-A Must be 11 digits, we compute the checksum. */
- if ( strlen($code) != 11 ) { die("UPC-A Must be 11 digits."); }
- /* Compute the EAN-13 Checksum digit */
- $ncode = '0'.$code;
- $even = 0; $odd = 0;
- for ($x=0;$x<12;$x++)
- {
- if ($x % 2) { $odd += $ncode[$x]; } else { $even += $ncode[$x]; }
- }
- $code.=(10 - (($odd * 3 + $even) % 10)) % 10;
- /* Create the bar encoding using a binary string */
- $bars=$ends;
- $bars.=$Lencode[$code[0]];
- for($x=1;$x<6;$x++)
- {
- $bars.=$Lencode[$code[$x]];
- }
- $bars.=$center;
- for($x=6;$x<12;$x++)
- {
- $bars.=$Rencode[$code[$x]];
- }
- $bars.=$ends;
- /* Generate the Barcode Image */
- $img = ImageCreate($lw*95+30,$hi+30);
- $fg = ImageColorAllocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
- $bg = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
- ImageFilledRectangle($img, 0, 0, $lw*95+30, $hi+30, $bg);
- $shift=10;
- for ($x=0;$x<strlen($bars);$x++)
- {
- if (($x<10) || ($x>=45 && $x<50) || ($x >=85)) { $sh=10; } else { $sh=0; }
- if ($bars[$x] == '1') { $color = $fg; } else { $color = $bg; }
- ImageFilledRectangle($img, ($x*$lw)+15,5,($x+1)*$lw+14,$hi+5+$sh,$color);
- }
- /* Add the Human Readable Label */
- ImageString($img,4,5,$hi-5,$code[0],$fg);
- for ($x=0;$x<5;$x++)
- {
- ImageString($img,5,$lw*(13+$x*6)+15,$hi+5,$code[$x+1],$fg);
- ImageString($img,5,$lw*(53+$x*6)+15,$hi+5,$code[$x+6],$fg);
- }
- ImageString($img,4,$lw*95+17,$hi-5,$code[11],$fg);
- /* Output the Header and Content. */
- header("Content-Type: image/png");
- ImagePNG($img);
- }
- UPCAbarcode('13322483157');
- ?>
Tags: PHP 条形码 实现程序
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