发布:smiling 来源: PHP粉丝网 添加日期:2014-08-17 20:19:28 浏览: 评论:0
- function test()
- {
- list($a,$b)= explode(" ",microtime());
- return (float)$a+(float)$b;
- }
- //代码如下:
- $a=test();
- echo $a;
- $time = sprintf("%.12f",(double)test()-$a);
- //方法二,代码如下:
- function ss_timing_start ($name = 'default') {
- global $ss_timing_start_times;
- $ss_timing_start_times[$name] = explode(' ', microtime());
- }
- function ss_timing_stop ($name = 'default') {
- global $ss_timing_stop_times;
- $ss_timing_stop_times[$name] = explode(' ', microtime());
- }
- function ss_timing_current ($name = 'default') {
- global $ss_timing_start_times, $ss_timing_stop_times;
- if (!isset($ss_timing_start_times[$name])) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!isset($ss_timing_stop_times[$name])) {
- $stop_time = explode(' ', microtime());
- }
- else {
- $stop_time = $ss_timing_stop_times[$name];
- }
- // do the big numbers first so the small ones aren't lost
- $current = $stop_time[1] - $ss_timing_start_times[$name][1];
- $current += $stop_time[0] - $ss_timing_start_times[$name][0];
- return $current;
- } //开源代码
- ss_timing_start();
- /**
- 以下是你的页面的代码
- */
- require_once 'index.php教程'; //index.php是要测试执行时间的页面
- /*
- 页面代码结束
- */
- ss_timing_stop();
- //方法三,代码如下:
- class timer
- {
- var $starttime = 0;
- var $stoptime = 0;
- var $timespent = 0;
- function start(){
- $this->starttime = microtime();}
- function stop(){
- $this->stoptime = microtime();}
- function spent(){
- if ($this->timespent) {
- return $this->timespent;
- } else {
- $startmicro = substr($this->starttime,0,10);
- $startsecond = substr($this->starttime,11,10);
- $stopmicro = substr($this->stoptime,0,10);
- $stops教程econd = substr($this->stoptime,11,10);
- $start = doubleval($startmicro) + $startsecond;
- $stop = doubleval($stopmicro) + $stops教程econd;
- $this->timespent = $stop - $start;
- return substr($this->timespent,0,8)."秒";
- }
- }// end function spent();
- }//end class timer;
- //例子
- $timer = new timer;
- $timer->start();
- /*
- 你的代码放在此处
- */
- $timer->stop();
- echo "执行本script共".$timer->spent();
Tags: php计算页面 php执行时间
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