发布:smiling 来源: PHP粉丝网 添加日期:2021-04-25 11:26:55 浏览: 评论:0
给出一个字符串如 “A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't \"begin\" with a single step.” ,通过 PHP 程序处理变成 “a journeY oF, A thousanD 'mileS' musT can'T "begiN" witH A singlE steP.”
2、需要考虑类似 can't 这种形式的转换。
3、标点符号(只考虑 , ' " . ;)不用变化。
- <?php
- function convertLastChar($str) {
- $markArr = array(", ", "' ", "\" ", ". ", "; ");
- $ret = "";
- for ($i = 0, $j = strlen($str); $i < $j; $i++) {
- if ($i < $j - 2) {
- $afterStr = $str{$i + 1} . $str{$i + 2};
- } else if ($i < $j - 1) {
- $afterStr = $str{$i + 1} . " ";
- }
- if (in_array($afterStr, $markArr)
- || $i == $j - 1
- || $str{$i + 1} == " ") {
- $ret .= strtoupper($str{$i}) === $str{$i}
- ? strtolower($str{$i})
- : strtoupper($str{$i});
- } else {
- $ret .= $str{$i};
- } //
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- //test
- $str1 = "A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't \"begin\" with a single step.";
- $str2 = "A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't \"begin\" with a single step. ";
- $str3 = "A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't \"begin\" with a single step. a ";
- $str4 = "A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't \"begin\" with a single step. a B";
- $str5 = "A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't \"begin\" with a single step. a b'";
- $str6 = "A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't \"begin\" with a single step. a B\"";
- echo "source:<br/>" . $str1 . "<br/>result:<br/>" . convertLastChar($str1) . "<br/><br/>";
- echo "source:<br/>" . $str2 . "<br/>result:<br/>" . convertLastChar($str2) . "<br/><br/>";
- echo "source:<br/>" . $str3 . "<br/>result:<br/>" . convertLastChar($str3) . "<br/><br/>";
- echo "source:<br/>" . $str4 . "<br/>result:<br/>" . convertLastChar($str4) . "<br/><br/>";
- echo "source:<br/>" . $str5 . "<br/>result:<br/>" . convertLastChar($str5) . "<br/><br/>";
- echo "source:<br/>" . $str6 . "<br/>result:<br/>" . convertLastChar($str6) . "<br/><br/>";
- ?>
- source:
- A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't "begin" with a single step.
- result:
- a journeY oF, A thousanD 'mileS' musT can'T "begiN" witH A singlE steP.
- source:
- A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't "begin" with a single step.
- result:
- a journeY oF, A thousanD 'mileS' musT can'T "begiN" witH A singlE steP.
- source:
- A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't "begin" with a single step. a
- result:
- a journeY oF, A thousanD 'mileS' musT can'T "begiN" witH A singlE steP. A
- source:
- A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't "begin" with a single step. a B
- result:
- a journeY oF, A thousanD 'mileS' musT can'T "begiN" witH A singlE steP. A b
- source:
- A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't "begin" with a single step. a b'
- result:
- a journeY oF, A thousanD 'mileS' musT can'T "begiN" witH A singlE steP. A B'
- source:
- A journey of, a thousand 'miles' must can't "begin" with a single step. a B"
- result:
- a journeY oF, A thousanD 'mileS' musT can'T "begiN" witH A singlE steP. A b"
Tags: PHP大小写互换
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