发布:smiling 来源: PHP粉丝网 添加日期:2021-07-25 11:34:39 浏览: 评论:0
- <?php
- /**
- * 人脸识别测颜值、测脸龄、测相似度微信接口
- * @Created by MOS.Ving.
- * @Author: MOS.Ving
- * @Mail 904679843@qq.com
- * @Date: 2016-01-31
- */
- define("TOKEN", 'weixin'); //设置token
- //FACE++ 参数 自行到face++官网注册并创建应用
- define("API_KEY", "api_key=填在这里"); //你的face++应用 api_key
- define("API_SECRET", "&api_secret=这里也要填");//你的face++应用 api_secret
- define("ATTRIBUTE", "&attribute=glass,pose,gender,age,race,smiling");//需要返回的内容的参数
- define("DETECT_URL", "http://apicn.faceplusplus.com/v2/detection/detect?");//检测给定图片(Image)中的所有人脸(Face)的位置和相应的面部属性api地址
- define("LANDMARK_URL", "http://api.faceplusplus.com/detection/landmark?");//检测给定人脸(Face)相应的面部轮廓,五官等关键点的位置,包括25点和83点两种模式api地址
- define("COMPARE_URL", "https://apicn.faceplusplus.com/v2/recognition/compare?");//计算两个Face的相似性以及五官相似度api地址
- define("TYPE","&type=83p");//83点模式
- define("MESSAGE_URL", "");//放回图文消息被点击需要跳转的地址,不需要跳转可不填
- $wechatObj = new wechatCallbackapiTest();
- if($_GET['echostr']){
- $wechatObj->valid();
- }else{
- $wechatObj->responseMsg();
- }
- class wechatCallbackapiTest{
- public function valid(){
- $echoStr = $_GET["echostr"];
- //valid signature , option
- if($this->checkSignature()){
- echo $echoStr;
- exit;
- }
- }
- public function responseMsg(){
- //get post data, May be due to the different environments
- //extract post data
- if (!emptyempty($postStr)){
- /* libxml_disable_entity_loader is to prevent XML eXternal Entity Injection,
- the best way is to check the validity of xml by yourself */
- libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
- $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
- $fromUsername = $postObj->FromUserName;
- $toUsername = $postObj->ToUserName;
- $keyword = trim($postObj->Content);
- $imgUrl = $postObj->PicUrl;
- $Event = $postObj->Event;
- $EventKey = $postObj->EventKey;
- $MsgType = $postObj->MsgType;
- $time = time();
- $itemTpl = "<item>
- <Title><![CDATA[%s]]></Title>
- <Description><![CDATA[%s]]></Description>
- <PicUrl><![CDATA[%s]]></PicUrl>
- <Url><![CDATA[%s]]></Url>
- </item>";
- if($MsgType == "image"){
- $item_str = sprintf($itemTpl, "颜值报告单", face($imgUrl), $imgUrl, MESSAGE_URL);
- $xmlTpl = "<xml>
- <ToUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></ToUserName>
- <FromUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></FromUserName>
- <CreateTime>%s</CreateTime>
- <MsgType><![CDATA[news]]></MsgType>
- <ArticleCount>%s</ArticleCount>
- <Articles>$item_str</Articles>
- </xml>";
- $resultStr = sprintf($xmlTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, 1);
- echo $resultStr;
- }
- }else {
- echo "";
- exit;
- }
- }
- private function checkSignature(){
- // you must define TOKEN by yourself
- if (!defined("TOKEN")){
- throw new Exception('TOKEN is not defined!');
- }
- $signature = $_GET["signature"];
- $timestamp = $_GET["timestamp"];
- $nonce = $_GET["nonce"];
- $token = TOKEN;
- $tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce);
- // use SORT_STRING rule
- sort($tmpArr, SORT_STRING);
- $tmpStr = implode( $tmpArr );
- $tmpStr = sha1( $tmpStr );
- if( $tmpStr == $signature ){
- return true;
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- // 调用人脸识别的API返回识别结果
- function face($imgUrl){
- // face++ 链接
- $jsonStr =curl_get_contents(DETECT_URL.API_KEY.API_SECRET."&url=".$imgUrl.ATTRIBUTE);
- $replyDic = json_decode($jsonStr,true);
- $faceArray = $replyDic['face'];
- $resultStr = "";
- for ($i= 0;$i< count($faceArray); $i++){
- $resultStr .= "<----第".($i+1)."张脸---->\n";
- $tempFace = $faceArray[$i];
- $faceId = $tempFace['face_id'];
- $tempAttr = $tempFace['attribute'];
- // 年龄:包含年龄分析结果
- // value的值为一个非负整数表示估计的年龄, range表示估计年龄的正负区间
- $tempAge = $tempAttr['age'];
- // 性别:包含性别分析结果
- // value的值为Male/Female, confidence表示置信度
- $tempGenger = $tempAttr['gender'];
- // 种族:包含人种分析结果
- // value的值为Asian/White/Black, confidence表示置信度
- $tempRace = $tempAttr['race'];
- // 微笑:包含微笑程度分析结果
- //value的值为0-100的实数,越大表示微笑程度越高
- $tempSmiling = $tempAttr['smiling'];
- // 返回性别
- $sex=$tempGenger['value'];
- if($sex === "Male") {
- $resultStr .= "性别:男\n";
- } else if($sex === "Female") {
- $resultStr .= "性别:女\n";
- }
- //返回年龄
- $maxAge = $tempAge['value'] + ($tempAge['range'])/2;
- $age=ceil($maxAge);
- $resultStr .= "年龄:".$age."岁左右吧~ \n";
- //返回种族
- if($tempRace['value'] === "Asian") {
- $resultStr .= "肤色:很健康哦~\n";
- }
- else if($tempRace['value'] === "White") {
- $resultStr .= "肤色:皮肤好白哟!^ 3^\n";
- }
- else if($tempRace['value'] === "Black") {
- $resultStr .= " 肤色:你有点黑?!!!\n";
- }
- //返回微笑度
- $smiling = intval($tempSmiling['value']);
- $smile = round($tempSmiling['value'],3);
- $resultStr .= "微笑:".$smile."%\n";
- if($count<3){
- //计算颜值
- $yanzhi=getYanZhi($faceId,$smiling);
- $resultStr .= "外貌协会专家评分:".$yanzhi."分\n\n";
- $resultStr .= "\xe2\x9c\xa8小编想说:\n";
- switch ($yanzhi){
- case $yanzhi>94:
- $resultStr .="这颜值,爆表了!\n";
- break;
- case $yanzhi>87:
- $resultStr .="你这么好看,咋不上天呢!\n";
- break;
- case $yanzhi>82:
- $resultStr .="百看不厌,继续加油!\n";
- break;
- case $yanzhi>72:
- $resultStr .="还好,还能看!\n";
- break;
- case $yanzhi>67:
- $resultStr .="哎,只是丑的不明显!\n";
- break;
- case $yanzhi>62:
- $resultStr .="如果有钱,可以去整整!\n";
- break;
- default:
- $resultStr .="让我静静,你家没镜子么?\n";
- }
- }
- //图片中两个人时,计算相似度
- if(count($faceArray) === 2){
- // 获取face_id
- $tempFace1 = $faceArray[0];
- $tempId1 = $tempFace1['face_id'];
- $tempFace2 = $faceArray[1];
- $tempId2 = $tempFace2['face_id'];
- // face++ 链接
- $jsonStr1 = curl_get_contents(COMPARE_URL.API_KEY.API_SECRET."&face_id2=".$tempId2 ."&face_id1=".$tempId1);
- $replyDic1 = json_decode($jsonStr1,true);
- //取出相似程度
- $tempResult = $replyDic1['similarity'];
- $tempSimilarity = $replyDic1['component_similarity'];
- $tempEye = $tempSimilarity['eye'];
- $tempEyebrow = $tempSimilarity['eyebrow'];
- $tempMouth = $tempSimilarity['mouth'];
- $tempNose = $tempSimilarity['nose'];
- $resultStr .= "<----相似分析---->\n";
- $resultStr .= "眼睛:".round($tempEye,3)."%\n";
- $resultStr .= "眉毛:".round($tempEyebrow,3)."%\n";
- $resultStr .= "嘴巴:".round($tempMouth,3)."%\n";
- $resultStr .= "鼻子:".round($tempNose,3)."%\n";
- $resultStr .= "\n<----匹配结果---->\n两人相似程度:".round($tempResult,3)."%\n";
- if($tempResult>70){
- $resultStr .="哇塞!绝对的夫妻相了!\n";
- }elseif ($tempResult>50){
- $resultStr .="哎哟,长得挺像!你们快点在一起吧!\n";
- }else{
- $resultStr .="0.0 长得不太一样哦。\n";
- }
- }
- //如果没有检测到人脸
- if($resultStr === ""){
- $resultStr = "对不起,俺没有识别出来,请换张正脸照试试=.=";
- }
- return $resultStr;
- }
- //颜值算法
- function getYanZhi($faceId,$smiling){
- $t1=microtime(1);
- $jsonStr = curl_get_contents(LANDMARK_URL.API_KEY.API_SECRET."&face_id=".$faceId.TYPE);
- $t2=microtime(1);
- if(($t2-$t1)>1.5){
- return 75.632;
- }
- if ($jsonStr!=false) {
- $replyDic = json_decode($jsonStr,true);
- $result = $replyDic['result'];
- $landmarkArry = $result[0];
- $landmark =$landmarkArry['landmark'];
- $right_eyebrow_left_corner =$landmark['right_eyebrow_left_corner'];
- $left_eyebrow_right_corner =$landmark['left_eyebrow_right_corner'];
- $left_eye_left_corner =$landmark['left_eye_left_corner'];
- $left_eye_right_corner =$landmark['left_eye_right_corner'];
- $mouth_left_corner =$landmark['mouth_left_corner'];
- $mouth_right_corner =$landmark['mouth_right_corner'];
- $nose_left =$landmark['nose_left'];
- $nose_right =$landmark['nose_right'];
- $nose_contour_lower_middle =$landmark['nose_contour_lower_middle'];
- $right_eye_left_corner =$landmark['right_eye_left_corner'];
- $right_eye_right_corner =$landmark['right_eye_right_corner'];
- $contour_left1 =$landmark['contour_left1'];
- $contour_right1 =$landmark['contour_right1'];
- $contour_chin =$landmark['contour_chin'];
- $contour_left6 =$landmark['contour_left6'];
- $contour_right6 =$landmark['contour_right6'];
- //计算两眉头间的距离
- $c1=distance($left_eyebrow_right_corner['x'],$left_eyebrow_right_corner['y'],$right_eyebrow_left_corner['x'],$right_eyebrow_left_corner['y']);
- //眉毛之间的中点坐标;
- $c1_x=($right_eyebrow_left_corner['x']-$left_eyebrow_right_corner['x'])/2+$left_eyebrow_right_corner['x'];
- $c1_y=($right_eyebrow_left_corner['y']-$left_eyebrow_right_corner['y'])/2+$left_eyebrow_right_corner['y'];
- //眉毛中点到鼻子最低处的距离
- $c2 = distance($nose_contour_lower_middle['x'],$nose_contour_lower_middle['y'],$c1_x,$c1_y);
- //眼角之间的距离
- $c3 = distance($left_eye_right_corner['x'],$left_eye_right_corner['y'],$right_eye_left_corner['x'],$right_eye_left_corner['y']);
- //鼻子的宽度
- $c4 = distance($nose_left['x'],$nose_left['y'],$nose_right['x'],$nose_right['y']);
- //脸的宽度
- $c5 = distance($contour_left1['x'],$contour_left1['y'],$contour_right1['x'],$contour_right1['y']);
- //下巴到鼻子下方的高度
- $c6 = distance($contour_chin['x'],$contour_chin['y'],$nose_contour_lower_middle['x'],$nose_contour_lower_middle['y']);
- //眼睛的大小
- $c7_left = distance($left_eye_left_corner['x'],$left_eye_left_corner['y'],$left_eye_right_corner['x'],$left_eye_right_corner['y']);
- $c7_right = distance($right_eye_left_corner['x'],$right_eye_left_corner['y'],$right_eye_right_corner['x'],$right_eye_right_corner['y']);
- //嘴巴的大小
- $c8 = distance($mouth_left_corner['x'],$mouth_left_corner['y'],$mouth_right_corner['x'],$mouth_right_corner['y']);
- //嘴巴处的face大小
- $c9 = distance($contour_left6['x'],$contour_left6['y'],$contour_right6['x'],$contour_right6['y']);
- /* 开始计算步骤 */
- $yourmark = 100;
- $mustm = 0;
- //眼角距离为脸宽的1/5,
- $mustm += abs(($c3/$c5)*100 - 25);
- //鼻子宽度为脸宽的1/5
- $mustm += abs(($c4/$c5)*100 - 25);
- //眼睛的宽度,应为同一水平脸部宽度的!/5
- $eyepj = ($c7_left+$c7_right)/2;
- $mustm += abs($eyepj/$c5*100 - 25);
- //理想嘴巴宽度应为同一脸部宽度的1/2
- $mustm += abs(($c8/$c9)*100 - 50);
- //下巴到鼻子下方的高度 == 眉毛中点到鼻子最低处的距离
- $mustm += abs($c6 - $c2);
- return round($yourmark-$mustm+$smiling/10,3);
- }else{
- return 60;
- }
- }
- //两点之间的距离
- function distance($px1,$py1,$px2,$py2){
- return sqrt(abs(pow($px2 - $px1,2)) + abs(pow($py2 - $py1,2)));
- }
- function curl_get_contents($url) {
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt( $ch , CURLOPT_URL,$url);
- curl_setopt( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
- curl_setopt( $ch , CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,1);
- curl_setopt( $ch , CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,1.5);
- $result = curl_exec($ch);
- return $result;
- }
- ?>
Tags: PHP人脸识别 PHP测脸龄
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